@Scalper20 Hola amigo, que tal va tu proyecto, lograste avanzar en plasmar tu idea en fxdreema? yo tambien soy un novato en esta plataforma de no codigo pero tu proyecto me agrada.
Unsolved Project to create Mql5 Expert advisor using Orderblock and Fair value gaps around specific times
I need help in creating a EA (mql5) that purely trades based on timefilters including trading sessions with trade excution signals on orderblock and Fair value gaps.
How I would normally do it trading manually very simple and straightforward works on any pairs, or indices. Mainly trade Nasdaq on this.
1.Determine Market structure -Look at daily time including monthly time frame to determine the trend direction of the market.
2.Once direction is confirmed, look for possible order blocks where structure was broken or retested around trade sessions mainly Tokyo and London/NY due to the volatility. Highlight the order blocks with channel tool and or use the tool to draw trend for accuracy only.Entry (Execution) [If there is no setups and confluences are not valid there is no trade.]
Some major candlesticks for extra confluence have been see mainly engulfing bars/doji/pinbar when these setups occur.
Every entry taken will be at an order block 80% of the /me. The other 20% will be at a FVG
(fair value gap). The only way to see if a FVG entry is valid is through the fib tool - which
61.8 and 50 level would be entry level whether it be a sell or buy but keep in mind 38 level
on the fib is a reversal level as well.
Imbalances entry fair value gap trade execution example for 10:15 am hold trade until 11:15am (trade duration 1 hour) followed by a new trade reversal order at 11:15 at previous close entry position to hold duration until close of 12:15am candle high or low position to enter new trade in reversal direction of 10:15am order entry of current trade sessions.Timefilter-specific (Additional times should be added if needed)
Monitor 15 min time frame and look for the closest 15 min time frame order block. Entry to be taken on 5 min for sniper entry.Risk management
Risk 1% per trade according to account balance
Trail SL at 350-500PIPS
Takeprofit 2%-3% (MIN)
TARGET per day based on all trades 1500PIPS-3000PIPSMAX ALLOWED TRADES PER DAY (3-6 trades) According to setups for the day
I trade this plan however I need this to be automated, tried chatgpt for an example or skeleton shell but it was hopeless . I hope someone can guide me or help to experiment with this.
This is a VERY ambitious project to implement that will require advanced fxDreema knowledge. Are you very experienced with fxDreema?
I’m totally new to fxdreema I might need to sit longer with the platform
@l-andorrà I’m totally new to fxdreema I might need to sit longer with the platform
What would you advise as per knowledge with fxdreema is there documentation on how I would proceed with this project @l-andorrà
Sadly, no. The documentation in fxDreema is VERY basic. You are supposed to have previous knowledge in general programming to take full advantage of it. Is that the case? Are you a programmer (not necessarily for mql4/5)?
- 2 months later
Me gusta tu proyecto si puedo ayudarte en algo estoy a la orden amigo...
You will need to take each section separately, ORDERBLOCK, FAIRVALUE GAP, and TIMEFILTER, create separate projects, and then once working add them all together, as @l-andorrà has said this is ambitious so bight size is the way to approach. (The time filter is easy there is a block that will do this)
- 14 days later
@Scalper20 Hola amigo, que tal va tu proyecto, lograste avanzar en plasmar tu idea en fxdreema? yo tambien soy un novato en esta plataforma de no codigo pero tu proyecto me agrada.
es lo mas que he logrado yo con fxdreema hacer un bot tipo oferta y demanda con tomadas de liquidez y la verdad opera muy bien .... lo que pasa que tienes muchisimas variables que tomar y estrategias que lleven imablances,liquidez etc son dificiles programar en un bot .... primero tendrias que comenzar con resolver la pregunta.... como puedo hacer para que mi robot no sea victima de las sacadas de liquidez del mercado? si resuleves eso tendras un bot rentable con operativas semejantes a las tuya.... -
- 28 days later
@yopimer746764 Como lo hiciste tu?... tienes razon lo primero es evitar que seas parte de las sacadas de liquidez... pero como esta estructurado tu EA?... es mejor partir desde el enlace de tu EA y tratar de mejorarlo entre varios colaboradores en lugar de empezar desde cero cada cual por su lado.... es solo una opinion personal... en mi caso estoy abierto para compartir mis avances y proyectos ademas de intercambiar ideas y colaborar.
- 2 months later
@yopimer746764 Como vas con tu proyecto amigo, saludos????